personal :: my own family (by Suzanne Gipson Photography)

This is a long post featuring a lot of photos I didn't take. This is my own family, photographed in the way that I strive to photograph others. It's a visual record of this season of life in our home, with all the quirks that that entails. 

Hiring Suzanne Gipson to do these photos was honestly one of the best financial investments we have made this year. Why? Because these photos hold up a mirror to me, showing me with fresh eyes what is always there but which I sometimes lose sight of: all the goodness of God to our family, the gifts He's given us, the redeeming and renewing work He is doing in each of us individually and relationally. We aren't perfect. Gosh, in some ways this year has been one of the more stretching ones, with lots of hard conversations and interactions. But when I see these photos I see that the hard stuff isn't the whole story. These photos create a fresh wave of gratitude in me for the people that I'm living this life with, whom I call my family. 

If I can do something like this for my clients, I will have succeeded. It's what I pray for before every session, guys. It's what drives me as a photographer.